摘 要:Withdrawal from rural homesteads (WRH) holds substantial significance forimprovingthe habitat of villagersand revitalizing the countryside in China. However, the existing research tradition, which often neglect theendogenous features of rural society, largely constrains the full understanding of WRH. The specific mechanismsand pathways through which various networks embedded within rural societies shape the final decisions ofvillagers remain inadequately explored and lack conceptualization. To bridge this gap, this paper attempts toprovide a brief glimpse of the fashions that different networks affect villagers’ behavior in response to WRH.Drawing on 299 survey samples collected from four pilot areas for the rural homestead reform in SichuanProvince, we investigate both the direct impact of social networks and the mediating effect of social supports onvillagers’ WRH decisions. The results of the binary logit model indicate that villagers with more extensive socialnetworks are more likely to withdraw from their homesteads (p < 0.01). Notably, family ties emerge as adominant factor (OR = 42.156) in influencing villagers’ WRH decisions. Furthermore, through a stepwiseregression model, we uncover that social networks work exert their influence via the mediating role of socialsupports. By quantifying the link between villagers’ social networks and their WRH decisions, we conclude thattaking into account the endogenous characteristics of the rural society can contribute to the all-round revitalization of the rural in China.
关键词:Social networks; Social supports; Withdrawal from rural homesteads (WRH); Land use transition; Rural revitalization